I'm So Special... and So Are You!a touching portrayal of many important lessons, including being mevater, showing true gevurah, and having a healthy self-image. Author: Jakubowicz |  We Can Find a WayIn We Can Find a Way, Eli, Zev and Leah look forward to hosting a celebration for their Bubby’s birthday. However, meeting the needs of every guest requires sensitivity and lots of creative thinking.
Two of the toddlers have food allergies. What kind of treats work for them? Their uncle is using a wheelchair. He can’t even get up the front steps! One of their cousins can’t tolerate crowded, noisy events. |  I Daven Every DayGive your child a lifelong love of davening with this charming introduction to Tefillah.
I Daven Every Day is the first book in a new series about Teshuvah, Tefillah and Tzedakah for children.
Author: Naomi Shulman |  It Only Takes a MinuteHow wonderful to realize that it only takes a minute to say thank you, to help, to make a bracha with kavana, to smile, to notice, to practice, and to listen. |  ?אבא למה(Hebrew) Why do we say Modeh Ani?
Can be ordered in the US by contacting Bet Moshiach- 954-709-6507 |  ?אבא למה(Hebrew) Why do we wash negel vasser?
Can be ordered in the US by contacting Bet Moshiach- 954-709-6507 |
 חני הדולה טועמתת גלאלה(Hebrew) Chani has a hard time adjusting to the birth of her new baby brother. She learns that ahavas chinam will bring Geulah.
Can be ordered in the US by contacting Bet Moshiach- 954-709-6507 |  האלף בית החסידי(Hebrew)
Can be ordered in the US by contacting Bet Moshiach- 954-709-6507 |  Kibbud Horim(Hebrew) Short stories of Tzadikkim on the topic of Kibud Av Vaeim
Can be ordered in the US by contacting Bet Moshiach- 954-709-6507 |  רקוד הגאולה של דוד המלך(Hebrew) Children learn the preciousness of their saying pseukim and Tehillim by being told a beautiful story of how the Tehillim of simple Yidden brings Geulah. They are taken on clouds to the seuda of Shor Habor in the Beis Hamikdash!
Can be ordered in the US by contacting Bet Moshiach- 954-709-6507 |  ספור של אות(Hebrew) Learn to write the Aleph Beis letters while learning the chassidus of the shape of each letter.
Can be ordered in the US by contacting Bet Moshiach- 954-709-6507 |  ?מי אני(Hebrew) What is special about being a Yid? Why we have two neshamos and how we can bring Geulah by training our nefesh habehamis to serve Hashem.
Can be ordered in the US by contacting Bet Moshiach- 954-709-6507 |
 My Tanya |  Stories from Our SagesBeautiful short stories brought from the Gemara to teach:
- the words we say can help people - or hurt them.
- it is so important to make other people happy.
- everything, but everything, Hashem does is for the best.
and more! |  My Very Own LetterSome mitzvos are done daily, some weekly, and others, once a year. But this inspiring picture book for young children focuses on a mitzvah that can be fulfilled once in a lifetime! |  Nechama & Mendel Get Ready for Moshiby Leah Miriam Heidingsfeld |  Talking About Private Placesby Bracha Goetz
Talking About Private Places helps parents address an aspect of personal safety. This book was created to help even the most skittish parent engage in an honest, positive and upbeat discussion about the dignity and respect with which our bodies are to be treated. |  LET'S TELL THE STORY OF THE BEIS HAMby Blau, Sara
A child’s first introduction to Tisha B’Av
We all want the Beis Hamikdash back ...
But do our kids have any idea why? What was the Beis Hamikdash and what happened to it? Join Naftoli as he learns the story of the Beis Hamikdash on a level that’s perfect for young children. |
 Talks and Tales For 48 years, Shmuessen Mit Kinder Un Yugent / Talks and Tales charmed children with heartwarming lessons both of the past and present day. Now, a new generation seeks the same wholesome Jewish inspiration that made the original series so beloved. Through this series, children can: Explore the wonders of G-d`s creations in Vunder Fun Der Natur; visit monumental Jewish leaders in G`dolei Yisrael; or harness their unbounded energy through V`Ani Tefilati. |  Lubavitcher Rabbi`s MemoirsThe sixth Rebbe penned this memoir to introduce us to the origins of Lubavitch, specifically the spiritual journey of Baruch, father of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the first leader of Chabad-Lubavitch. |  Links In The Chassidic LegacyLinks In The Chassidic Legacy: Biographical Sketches That First Appeared In The Classic Columns Of Hatamim |  Branches Of The Chasidic MenorahAuthor: Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneerson
Translator: Shimon Neubort
Biographical stories Based On The Essay, "Fathers Of Chassidus"
Translated from the Chasidic journal Hatamim, this book features biographical sketches of the founders of the Chasidic movement written by the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe. |  Around the Shabbos TableThe story starts one Friday night when Tova Leiba’s brother is unhappy with his seat. Tova Leiba agrees to change places with him, as she is confident that she can be happy there. And, thanks to her positive attitude, she does discover a hidden benefit to her new position at the table. “Tov lev, simcha tomid” To a good hearted person, life’s a constant celebration. |  Maayan ChaiMaayan Chai online, short Sichos in Hebrew |
 Red is my RimonWhat colorful mitzvos come into your head When you think of yellow -- or brown, blue, and red? All around the year, we do mitzvos with colorful objects: brown matza, green lulav, red rimon, silver candlesticks, and so many more! Beautiful, sophisticated paintings depict each color scene, and every page is surrounded by a strong, bright border. The lovely rhyming verses will appeal to even the very youngest toddlers. What a great way to learn colors and mitzvos! |  Stories of TzaddikimExciting tales of remarkable Jewish personalities in far away places and times long ago. From Jerusalem to Vilna, Yemen to Vitebsk, accounts of miracles and faith are related in a way that will entertain and stimulate young minds. Children will be fascinated by these vividly illustrated adventures, each of which is filled with examples of courage, mitzvot, wisdom and good character. Contains 32 stories in eight hardcover volumes. Please note: Non-kosher animal pictures |  The Rebbe Speaks to ChildrenOne of the most important books to have- a foundation of a Chabad chinuch. This book is amazing to read to children, and to read ourselves to learn how to bring down Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit down to a child in a loving and exciting way! |  Let's Stay SafeIn language that will empower and educate, we can give our children the tools to stay safe and secure in our increasingly difficult world. Over two years in the making and developed by Project Y.E.S. as part of its Karasick Child Safety Initiative. Let's Stay Safe is a must for all concerned parents - and all of our beautiful children. Please note: Non-kosher animals in this book, can be covered with stickers. |  The Wheat KernelWatch the little wheat kernel as it sprouts and grows into a beautiful wheat stalk, hoping for the day when its flour will be used for a mitzvah. Will the wheat's prayers be answered, or will the baker use it for something else first? Join the wheat kernel on this exciting and colorful adventure.
|  Reb Hillel ParitcherReb Hillel Paritcher was one of the greatest spiritual mentors of Chabad. He would instruct every new student to probe the depths of a particular story and then share the lessons derived from it. Reb Hillel would then tell each student the truer and deeper meaning of the story. This taught his students that it is not enough to read a story, one has to learn a story. It is in this vein that we present the stories of this notable Chasid.
Learn why the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe said of his influence |
 All About UsA preschool child’s book about the parts of the body from a Jewish point of view. It’s fun to explore the mitzvos that every child can do… from head to toe! New illustrations! Why do we have hands and feet, eyes and ears? To do mitzvos, of course! Hashem’s world was not complete until He made people with “…feet that can run very fast to help a friend… hands to open the door for a guest… ears for listening to a mother and father”… and so much more! |  Very Best Place For A PennyBACK IN PRINT! Very Best Place For A Penny :: Kehotonline |  The Rebbe Speaks to Children- HebrewOne of the most important books to have- a foundation of a Chabad chinuch. This book is amazing to read to children, and to read ourselves to learn how to bring down Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit down to a child in a loving and exciting way! |  Challos in the Aron HaKodeshYaakovo and Esperanza love Hashem and want to show it by offering Him fresh, delicious challos every week. Join them, together with Rachamim the shamash and the holy Arizal, in this enchanting tale of trust and kindness. This heartwarming story reveals the importance of even the simplest Jew, and his potential for performing great mitzvos. Please note: Non-kosher animals in this book (cover page and one page inside), can be covered with stickers. |  The Living LettersA grandfather reads to his children about the Siddur, the home of the prayers and how the letters go up to Hashem and do a dance. If the child doesn't try as hard as they could then the letters don't have the strength to make the long trip. But if they try hard later it picks up the old prayers as well as the new ones. Publisher: Kehot Publications Author: Sashi Fridman |  Reb Pinchas ReitzesThis book details the life of one of the Alter Rebbe`s chassidim, Reb Pinchas Reitzes. He was a phenomenal philanthropist who readily gave vasts amount of money to charity as well as giving generously of his time and energy to help other Jews. He preserved hundreds if not thousands of the Alter Rebbe`s teachings and sayings. Reb Pinchas personified the two character traits which the Alter Rebbe demanded from all his chassidim; honesty and humility. |
 Reb Shmuel MunkisThis book details the life of one of the Alter Rebbe`s chassidim, Reb Shmuel Munkis. Reb Shmuel Munkis was known for his humorous outlook and antics, but at the same time he was the personification of a true chassid. |  Rebbe Speaks to Children- YiddishOne of the most important books to have- a foundation of a Chabad chinuch. This book is amazing to read to children, and to read ourselves to learn how to bring down Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit down to a child in a loving and exciting way! |  Making Of ChassidimAuthor: Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneerson
Translator: Shimon Neubort
This letter sent by the Previous Rebbe to his daughter, describes the motivating factors which spurred early chassidim to adapt to the Chassidic way of life.
Recounting their love, fellowship, longings and joy it chronicles the revolution Chassidim wrought within the Jewish community. Traditionally called among chassidim "The Long Letter," this inspirational literary work is encouraging and guiding in one`s own personal spiritual tri |  Once Upon A ChasidA collection of stories, anecdotes, conversations and sayings culled from the immense sea of writings, transcribed talks, letters and diaries of seven generations of Chabad-Lubavitch. |  I Go to the OhelWritten from the point of view of a young child, this unique picture book explores many aspects of a visit to the Rebbes Ohel. Page by page, the simple, moving text and realistic illustrations depict how to behave at this holy place, how special it is to daven there, and how excited we will be to see the Rebbe when Moshiach comes! |  Benny's Mitzvah Notesby Marc Lumer |
 Hashem is Truly EverywhereHashem is Truly Everywhere --HaChai Publishing
|  Branches Of The Chasidic Menorah Biographical Stories Based On The Essay, "Fathers Of Chassidus"
Translated from the Chasidic journal Hatamim, this book features biographical sketches of the founders of the Chasidic movement written by the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe. |  Stories that the Rebbe Told Us This book is a translation of the popular Hebrew book `Ma Shesiper Li HaRebbe`. It contains a collection spell-binding stories that the Rebbe himself related, which have been adapted for children, along with thought provoking lessons in serving Hashem. "All the stories which were told to us, contain a lesson which we can and must derive in matters pertaining to us... stories of Tzaddikim contain a purpose and a goal, especially a story that we hear from a Tzaddik" |  Reb Meir RaphaelsThe latest volume of the Early Chassidic Personalities series, this book details the life of one of the Alter Rebbe`s chassidim, Reb Meir Raphaels. |  Torah Book of OppositesBEAUTIFUL board book for small children-- expresses love and enthusiasm for Torah. The Torah goes IN and OUT of the Aron Hakodesh
There are BIG Torahs for the grownups and SMALL ones for kids
We lift the Torah UP, then gently put it DOWN.
Letters, BLACK; Parchment, WHITE
OPEN wide, CLOSED up tight! |  Whever We Go!Join Benny and Tzvi on a brand new adventure, discovering how they can make a Kiddush Hashem wherever they go. |