Teachings of the Rebbe on Chinuch(English) Compilation of letters, talks and stories of the Rebbe on the topic of Chinuch (education/parenting) translated to English. |  Mishnas HachinuchMishnas Chabad explores the topic of a Jewish and chasidic education & upbringing of our youth from a Chabad chasidic perspective.
Covering a variety of subjects including laws and customs, Upshernish and Arainfirenish to Cheder, concluding with Chanoch Lanaar from the Rebbe Rashab.
Gift Wrap |  Igeres HachinuchA comprehensive collection of letters from the Rebbe on Chinuch, emphasizing the applied and practical side of things.
Book covers all ages - from nursery school to adult children and deals with more than five hundred topics.
Language Hebrew |  Shaarei ChinuchAn impressive presentation of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s knowledge and insight on education, drawn from talks and discourses as well as public and personal correspondence. Subjects include: The path and foundation of education, educating youth, and conduct at home. Part of Shaarei series.
|  Mafteach L'inyonei Chinuch V'ehadrocMafteach L'inyonei Chinuch V'ehadrocho - מפתח ×œ×¢× ×™× ×™ ×—×™× ×•×š והדרכה
Index of concepts in education & guidance, compiled from talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. 206 pp Author Harav Levi Goldstein |  Shvach HaBrisLaws and customs of pregnancy, childbirth, Bris, Pidyon Haben, Upsherenish and Entry into Cheder. Includes the Maamar B`Etzem HaYom HaZeh and the Kabblah recited the night before the bris. |
 The Rebbe Speaks to ChildrenInspiring, practical, short sichos for children. A foundation of a Chabad chinuch, and wonderful for parents to learn how to explain matters to their children. |  Kedoshim Tihiyuby Tobi Hendel
A guide for the Jewish married couple about marital intimacy according to Niglah, Kabbalah and Chassidus. How to conceive a child with the best spiritual garments possible. (Hebrew) |  a82727ec7d6e9e6de3481c0998b86149.jpgRebbe's instructions on pregnancy and childbirth- important customs and chassidishe hanhagos to know. |  Emuna with Love and Chicken SoupThis book is about Rebbetzin Henny Machlis, mother of 14 children who hosted over 100 Shabbos guests each week, including many homeless people. In addition to having an incredible section on chinuch, this book is so full of inspiration and wisdom, you will have a hard time putting it down! |  The Garden of Purity - For Men Only
This book is a practical, comprehensive and reader-friendly manual to personal holiness, the key to every blessing in a Jewish man's life. |  Raise your Kids without Raising YourSarah Chana Radclife |
 Hatznea Lechet Culled from the Toras of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson OB"M regarding the great merit and the great duty upon each of us to uphold our Tzniut (modesty) to the highest of standards. |  Lubavitcher Rabbi`s MemoirsThis edition of Memoirs has been given a facelift allowing the reader to better appreciate the gems within. Spruced up with new typesetting and subheadings to divide up each chapter, Memoirs has also been cleared of errors and revised for greater clarity. New "relationship trees" have been drawn to help the reader keep track of the many rabbis, students, and family members that people the stories. The sixth Rebbe penned this memoir to introduce us to the origins of Lubavitch, specifically the sp |  Chanoch Lenaar Chinuch advice from the Rebbe Rashab |  El Neshei U'bnos YisraelBeautiful sefer about the Jewish Woman and Girl- Collection of adapted teachings of the Rebbe. - Hebrew |  A Happy HomeThe Rebbe`s suggestions for domestic peace and harmony that are featured here are responses to real-life situations, to people who have asked his advice regarding various dilemmas and hardships that they have encountered. This book contains excerpts from personal letters that have been compiled into a treasury of suggestions, accompanied by stories that illustrate and explain these points.
|  The Educator's HandbookA MUST READ for every educator. Rabbi Hodakov's vision of education was permeated with joy, love, and wisdon gained from personal contact with the sixth and seventh Lubavitcher Rebbes under whom he served. "The Torah views one who teaches... the child of his fellow man as if he had begotten him." This book shows how the teacher must be responsible for every aspect of the well-being and education of his student. This book is for parents as well as school teachers. |
 The Principles of Education and GuidOriginally written as an educational guide for two venerable mashpi'im (spiritual mentors) in the original yeshivah in Lubavitch, this treatise by the sixth Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch has since serve as a classic definition and elucidation of what "education" truly is. |  Or HaBayitCompilation of the Rebbe`s writings on Shalom Bayit, a everlasting edifice, a woman of valour, making a living, family purity, and the relationship between Shalom Bayit and Geulah, with letters and stories describing the original Jewish lifestyle. |  B'Sha'ah TovahThe Jewish Woman's Clinical & Halachic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth! A complete guidebook including up-to-date clinical information; diagrams, illustrations and full-color photos of fetal development; prenatal care and laws of prenatal testing; nutrition, exercises, and Lamaze techniques; laws pertaining to childbirth and and bris; inspiring Torah thoughts and commentary. |  The Nechoma Greisman AnthologyThis book comprises a selection of candid thoughts on the challenges confronting her role as a Shlucha of the Lubavitcher Rebbe; articles she wrote and classes she gave on the realities of Jewish wifehood and motherhood, such as questions of role definition, marital harmony, family planning, childrearing ("the most difficult mivtza of them all") and outreach work; solid, detailed, down-to-earth advice on housekeeping ("being a Kohen in G-d's little Sanctuary") |