Avi Fishoff from Twisted ParentingThe House Is on Fire and Our Kids Are Inside! |  A Chassidishe ChinuchRabbi Paltiel lecture to educators |  Invest in Your Home: Shalom BayisWhere chinuch and shalom bayis meet
Talk by Rabbi Mendel Gluckowsky |  Education & Guidance w/Chassidic JoyEducation and Guidance with Chassidic Joy- Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz provides tips and tools and answers some of the most pressing questions surrounding chinuch, discipline, and how to nurture and guide the precious neshamos of our generation — all from the Perspective of Chassidus. |  12 Pesukim: Foundation of lifeRabbi Manis Friedman discusses the 12 Pesukim |  Chinuch Panel3 Dynamic speakers on a panel on the topic of Chinuch:
Menucha Lavner: "Running your Mikdash Me'at with a smile!"
Chavi Rappaport: "Who has time for Chinuch when your phone is buzzing?"
Chiena Zaltzman: "Keeping the inspiration going from crib to Chuppa!"
(Note: The beginning of this shiur is about Hei Teves, at 22:15 minutes into the shiur, the topic turns to chinuch) |
 Make our schools extraordinaryEnglish/Yiddish Speech at Skver Cheder Banquet
By: Rabbi YY Jacobson |  Tending to our GardenRabbi Levi Kaplan |  The Dangers of Child Smartphone UseRabbi Daniel Schonbuch |  Guiding Children in a Modern WorldRabbi Yakov Horowitz addresses how to respond to “Why can’t I get an iPhone? All the kids in my class have one!”
Most parents have probably had some experience with giving their children access to technology. As children are getting smarter, attention spans are lowering, and technology is becoming more prevalent, what should be a frum parent’s response to questions like these? Is there a “kosher” way to provide your children with technology? |  Addressing Chinuch ChallengesRabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz |  Say 'Yes' to TeachingRabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz |
 Rebbe's Practical Guidance-D.AlevskyThe Rebbe's Guidance in Jewish Education: Ten Practical Lessons Mrs. Devorah Alevsky |  Living with HalachaLiving with Halacha: Strengthening Our Commitment to a Halacha Lifestyle-- Includes very relevant chinuch advice.
Speakers include: Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Garelik, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gluckowsky, Rabbi Aharon Dovid Gancz |  Protect your child- R'HorowitzRabbi Yakov Horowitz- 4 Shiurim every parent should hear - Speaking To Your Kids About Personal Safety (about protecting from molesters)- Building a Lasting Relationship With Our Children - Child Safety - Questions & Answers |  Self-esteem: Mrs. Malky Freund Fostering Our Children's Self-esteem Mrs. Malky Freund Machon Chana
|  Reggio: Mrs. Rivkie SpalterReggio for Your Kids: Get Them Involved! Mrs. Rivkie Spalter Beis Medrash Woman's Circle |  Self Esteem: R'Dr. TwerskiRabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski On Children & Self-Esteem