770 Model
This 770 model was made from almond milk cartons, egg cartons and cardboard! The only tricky part I'd recommend skipping was the rounded...
Beis Hamikdash Model
Ok! So this project was a bit more complex and you probably need some crafting skills to put it together, but I'm sure taking these ideas...
Acrylic Paint Pens!
I am loving acrylic paint pens for adding kedusha to toys and covering over non-kosher animals etc.! They work on wood, plastic, glass...
Shrinky Dink Pendants
For more ideas on crafts you can make with Shrinky Dinks please see the previous post. 1. The first thing you will want to do is find an...
Heilig Shrinky Dinks
We are having so much fun making Shrinky Dinks! There are so many heilig things you can make with them, keychains, magnets, pendants......
Your very own Torah-Lovey
I'm seeing babies all over hugging little stuffed animals attached to blankets and thought it would be very special for children to have...
Badges for your proud soldiers
I wanted my children to have Tzivos Hashem badges for doing missions at home so nicely. I'm thinking of also making a bunch and giving...
Little Torah let me hold you tight!
This little Torah costume was made from the leftover materials from the aron hakodesh! (See past post for details as well as links to...
Personalized Kedusha Puzzle
There are various websites that you can make your own puzzle with. You can make a puzzle of your child doing a mitzvah (and they will...
Family Yearbook
What you choose to take pictures of and document makes a big impression on your children. This is what you view as important and worth...
Adding Kedusha to Your Baby's Toys
This idea can be great once your baby gets to the age they want to grab onto their toys. Search for toys with mirrors on them. This flat...
Baby Mobile
There is a common practice in the world that images of animals, such as dogs, cats, lions, and so on, are hung around the baby’s room....
Aron Hakodesh
This Aron Hakodesh is made out of an old drawer believe it or not! We've included the links for your convenience: A pressure rod was...
Mitzvah Wall
The way the home is run, which pictures hang on the walls, and all the particulars of the home, play a very important role in the chinuch...